

(Pictured here as dry yrling)


DOB: 3-4-06


S: Troubled Acres Frantic
SS: CH Royal Crest Prince Chancellor FS VEV 89
SD: SG Willow Run Liam Fonda 2*M
D: Troubled Acres Tiara
DS: Pitchin Pines Golden Gabriel +*B
DD: Troubled Acres Tamara


Frag was one of those that hid in the background... She was just one of those that was just an ordinary goat. One day I went out to feed and looked at her and said WHO is that... Was like she blossomed overnight. I clipped her took her to the ODGA show and bang... first time ever out she went RCH in ring 1 and GCH & BDIS in ring 2. Of course I couldn't wait to get her bred.  About 1 month before kidding she some how messed her rear right pastern. She was in pain for some time and I was sure she would abort with stress, luckily she didn't but the stress didn't help and she didn't come into good milk and I was sure she was ruined with her pastern injury. I dried her up and treated her for the pastern issue and set her outside in the back field with no real hopes in her pastern getting better... WELL low and behold she came back up on her pastern like it never happened. Sooo, she got to stay for another year. She is bred to kid in April lets hope her pastern problem was a one time thing and she freshens with more capacity with that nice strong secure udder that she had.


Linear Appraisal




Show Placings
2007 ODGA Buckeye Classic RCH Jr Doe 
2007 ODGA Buckeye Classic GCH Jr Doe 
2007 ODGA Buckeye Classic JBDIS


Test Results
Not tested yet




Bred to: BTA Flame
Due: March 29, 2010



Fraggle's Progeny



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