I have been in the Boer business for
7 years now and "LOVE
Here is what I have accumulated so far !!
Pictures coming soon... We have done great with some of out percentage does... 2001 we received 3rd place aged doe at NAILE.. but unfortunately was disqualified due to them not being able to read her tattoo...Also placed 6th with a Dec kid out of about 35 in the class.
2002 we went to a show/sale at Il and we won Reserve Jr. percentage doe. A Bandit daughter.
We also won Reserve Jr. percentage doe at the Ohio State Fair. We have place in
the top 5 with almost all our stock when ever and where ever we show... We had a good friend take some of our does to out of state show and they have placed well with them...Crystal Hedberg took 2 of our does to the TN Goat Days to the open show and she placed 1st with a Dec kid and 2nd with a March kid. Both Noble daughters...Good Job Crystal!! 2002
NAILE we did great.. 4 out of 7 placed with ribbons and $$..
We had 2nd place Aged percentage doe with Troubled Acres Magic. A Texas daughter. Had
8th & 9th Fall percentage kids with Troubled Acres Marnie 8th
(granddaughter of Magic, a Bandit daughter) and
9th place with Troubled Acres Socks. (same doe that won Reserve at OSF, a Noble daughter).
8th place with Tri-Quest Winchester our FB Buck kid.

Come-On just give me a Li'l KISS... My first
FB Boer buck. Hill Country Texas - 3 years old weighing 285 lbs.
Unfortunately I lost this big guy to pneumonia. He is the base to our boer
He will be sadly missed and very hard to replace!! 
is just one of Texas's daughters which just came straight out of the
field! She won Reserve Grand at the 2001 ABGA Boer Goat Show at Lancaster,
HEY-What are you lookin at? HC Tucker at 15
months old weighing 180 lbs.

Look at me!! FB Boer buckling-Tri-Quest Noble
pictured here at 6 1/2 months old weighing 130-lbs.

...Pictured here he is 3 years old.
His head is bloody from fighting with another buck between the fence...
puts the best TOPS on my wethers. He has lots of width , lots of bone with
heavy muscling and a long twist. He has an absolutely beautiful head and
breed characteristics that is passed on to his offspring's along with his
wonderful passionate disposition!
Ubora **ENNOBLED** 8-99
Tri-Quest CIA
NBBG TsJaka **ENNOBLED** 8-01
Tri-Quest Johari

NBBG TsJaka **ENNOBLED** 8-01 |

TROUBLED ACRES LORETTA This beautiful Jan 01 FB Doe is the
daughter of Tri-Quest Lily and Hill Country Tucker. She is bred to
my new buck Hill Top Bandit to kid in April. I will be retaining a buck
kid from her to be a young herd sire for Troubled Acres...


LORETTA's rear |
LORISSA's rear |

John and Kathryn Harmon... Proud
owners of Reg. FB Boer doeling... Troubled Acres Lorissa. Thanks for
your interest in my stock! |

LORISSA Twin sister to Loretta. She
belongs to the Proud New Owners of John and Kathryn Harmon of J& K
Knoll in Martinsville, OH. Thanks guys for purchasing her off me!

Reserve Champion Jr. Percentage doe. Judge Frank Craddock at the 2002 IL Banner Show/Sale.


above.... Chester is 6 months old
here.. Already showing off his style!! |






above... Chester... just turned 1.... of course I
couldn't get him to stand still any better... |
TRI-QUEST WINCHESTER This is the new addition to the herd and so far I absolutely LOVE his mass,
bone and over all balance.
He is very stylish and will complement my breeding program. I can't wait to get some kids on the ground out of him. We took him to the Ohio State Fair 2002 and he won first in his class... The judge was Jackie Edwards and had stated that if he would have behaved and stood still long enough he made had done better in the grand and reserve line-up! He also placed 8th at the 2002 NAILE. Chester is a son out of Enobled Ewing Valentino. A double Ubora grandson.
Click here to see a picture of Valentino.

CCR Ewing Valentino |
- Like father like son.... Chester on the left is 18 months
here he is in pasture condition. He gets all the hay and
pasture he can eat but is very limited on the grains.... I am
very pleased with his overall growth and maturity. He will be
a HUGE part of my breeding program for 2003-2004.
- I am eager to see his kids hit the ground.
Ubora **ENNOBLED** 8-99
Ewing Valentino **ENNOBLED**
Ubora **ENNOBLED** 8-99
Tri-Quest CIA |


02- TAF Saddie, Beauty & Marnie
was 2nd in her class at International Tennesse Goat Days.
was 3rd at OSF. Marnie was 2nd at the OSF & 8th at NAILE. |
(lt-rt) 02 - TAF
Saddie & Shanda. Shanda place 2nd at the OSF. |
(lt-rt) 02 - TAF
Socks. Socks placed 1st in her Class at the OSF and also went on to
win Res. Jr. Percentage Doe. She also placed 9th at NAILE. |


(lt-rt) TAF
Socks, Beauty, Niller, Bridgette and Snuggles. Niller placed 1st in
her class at the International Tennesse Goat Days. |
TAF Snuggles |



TAF Saddie & Socks |
TAF Niller & Snuggles |
2 sets of twins born right after
each other... here they are just hours old... |
are just some of the girls that have been retained for TAF breeding
program.. I hadn't planned on breeding them till around Feb. or
March but Chester decided differently... I am not sure who is bred
and who isn't ... Really doesn't matter as they are plenty big to
kid... These girls were born anywhere from Nov 01 to April 02. I had
several more I was going to keep but had several people come to
visit and talked me out of a few.
Luck to those and hope to see them in the show ring in 2003. |
- Josh Begley (rt) & his friend Justin
(lt) winning Grand and Reserve Champion
- doe at 2003 Clinton County Fair. Doe on right Magic, is a 1/2%
5 year old winning Grand and
- her granddaughter on the left Marnie is 75% 18 month old
winning Reserve.
Last year Magic & Marnie won Grand and Reserve Production doe
at Clinton Co as well.
- Magic has done great in the show ring...
- 2001 - 1st aged doe @ OMGA Spring Fling
- 3rd Aged doe @ Naile
- 2002 - 1st aged doe @ OMGA Spring Fling
- 1st aged doe @ OSF
- Grand Clinton Co. Fair
- 2nd aged doe @ Naile
- 2003 - Grand @ Clinton Co. Fair


HILL TOP BANDIT So far his kids are looking great. Lots of length and width.
I have several daughters out of him so therefore I will selling this fine fella.
If interested email me for more pictures and price.
SOLD TO PHYLLIS PARKS... Thanks Phyllis I wish you wonderful offsprings!! |
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