
(Pictured here as 3 yr old - 2nd Freshener)
1*MDOB: 3-21-06AN1388160
S: Troubled Acres Frantic- SS: CH Royal Crest Prince Chancellor FS VEV 89
SD: SG Willow Run Liam Fonda 2*M
D: SG Troubled Acres Silhoet
DS: Pitchin-Pines Golden Toby
DD: GCH Begley's Troubled Acres Dazzle 2*M
Gurly has always been a real nice doe from the start. As kid and as a milker, she is a very correct doe great on her feet and legs, very nice GA. Very eye appealing a nice big gal. The only thing I wish I could improve on her is she needs more extension to her rear udder.. Her udder as a whole is very solid, nice plum teats, nice medial and an absolutely beautiful, smooth and well extended fore. The one thing that gives her, her name is that her ears curl up on the ends giving her that bell look or curly-Q look hence the name Gurly-Q.
Linear Appraisal3-04 EEEE 90-
Show Placings
.Test Results
12-13-08 - Negative - CAE

(Gurly-Q's dam - SG BTA Silhoet)
Bred to: BTA WildmanDue: February 20, 2010
Gurly's Progeny
Troubled Acres PrtyGrl - RG
Troubled Acres SexiGrl - RG
