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![]() . Pictured here as 3 yr old
Pictured here as a 2yr old
DOB: 4-19-2010
S: SGCH Lakeshore-Farms Star Status +*B EX91 EEE
SS: SG Kastdemur's At Your Service ++*B EX91
SD: SGCH Lakeshore-Farms Skipa Star 3*M VVEE 89
D: SGCH BTA Dabble 2*M EEVE 90
DS: GCH BTA Frantic +*B VE+ 89
DD: SGCH Willow Run Valparaiso Dribble 1*M EEVE 91
Turbo is a very sharp clean fronted fella, with loads of dairy character and awesome rear leg angulation! This guy has great GA and throws it in he offsprings! I'm anticipating wonderful things from his daughters!
Semen available for sale 5/$175
Pictured here a yearling BEGLEY'S TROUBLED ACRE J RUMBA - (JR) DOB: 1-29-2011N1546211 S: Kastdemur's Hey Jude *BSS: GCH Wingwood Farm Romeo's Laredo +*B EX92 EEESD: Kastdemur's Lucy Liu 2*M EVEV 89D: Willow Run Valmont Rhapsody V+VV 86DS: SG Willow Run Eferno Valmont *B DD: SGCH Willow Run Dominique Renae 8*M VEEE 91 JR is long, tall and very sharp! he's very lanky and leggy, right now with not alot of width but I feel with a few more years he will mature into a nice big fella! I am totally in love with the levelness across the top all the way to the level flat rumps and sharpness that he throws, I can't wait to see udders on his daughters. Semen available for sale 5/$175.00 .
JR's dam - Willow Run Valmont Rhapsody
JR's granddam - Kastdemur's Lucy Lui JR's grandsire - GCH Wingwood Farm Romeo's Laredo(photo courtesy of Trinity Smith of Wingwood Farm) Jude's full littermate sister - GCH Kastdemur's Lucy In The Sky(photos courtesy of Karen & Krista Senn of Kastdemur's)
I named Time appropriately... I had him ordered for over 2 years and when I finally got him it wasn't hard to figure out what his name was going to be, When Karen called to tell me Mardi was finally bred, I thought instantly.. It's About Time! I was so excited to get him and out of the very lines I absolutely love! I can't wait to see kids out of him! Semen available for sale 5/$150.00
Kastdemur's Masquerade- is Kastdemur's MG It's About Time's full liter mate sisiter - 2 yr old ff
It took a couple of years for me to realize I wanted Tucker... first time I seen him I was like WOW very sharp, dairy, long & flat rumped fella with loads of GA. I just wasn't sure of the outcross he was going to bring to my herd. but with more research and talking to my 2 favorite "Goat Guru's" John White & Eric Jermain I decided to take the plunge... I bought him from Dan Schultz and decided to put him on several of my girls... now it's time will tell, if he throw half of his sharpness, dairyness and GA I think we'll have some awesome kids! I want to THANK Dan Shultz for selling me Tucker. I do appreciate all the info and pictures on Tucker you have given me premission to use. Semen available for sale 5/$175.00
YES I KNOW... He's American.. but you know what... who cares! His dam is awesome and I have MANY americans in my herd so get over it... This guys is Long, Level, Sharp, loads of dairy charater and GA and this is what I want in my herd so Im using him! He grew like wildfire and is huge for his age and was able and willing to service many does so I will have kids on the ground out of him in 2014 and I can't wait to see them! Semen available for sale 5 for $135.00
Semen available for sale - 5 / $135.00
3 Year old at Indiana Hoosier Classic show
Elderbery age 4 @ IN Hoosier
SGCH Woest-Hoeve FB Jellie 5*M EX 93 EEEE 2018 ADGA National Grand Champion 2019 ADGA National Grand Champion & Reserve Best Udder 2021 ADGA National Chmpion & Best Udder 2022 ADGA National Reserve Champion
Begley's-Troubled-Acre Status 2-27-2024 Pedigree info here
Pictured here at 7 months old