Where my husband Mike, my children Felecia and Joshua and I live on 42 acres
located in Martinsville OHIO who raise Registered NUBIAN dairy goats, boer x
goats, chickens, goat milk fed feeder hogs & dairy calves, peacocks and blue
We have been raising goats since 1990. It all started when my daughter wanted to be in 4-H
in Clinton County OHIO and she wanted a Nubian goat for her project...Well 1 goat rapidly turned into 80+.
Although I have owned goats for over 20+ years & have been seriously breeding them for the style & qualities I like! I have many more years ahead before I can even come close to the great Nubian breeders of our time. I watch, listen and research and maybe one day I will be able to produce a consistent body style and mammary system that I can be proud of! I have gone through some illnesses, defects and diseases and have culled
heavily to keep these out of my herd as much as possible. One thing that I learned about early on is CAE. Even though I don't know all the particulars I do know that it can devastate your herd and the
viability of your potentially good goats. I am on a strict CAE prevention with my Nubian herd and feel I have reduced this horrific disease
dramatically. I unknowingly bought goats that had CAE in my early stage of owning goats and feel strongly about being honest with every potential buyer and customer!!! I don't claim to be a CAE free herd,
I use powdered colostrium and pasteurize my milk, I also test everyone yearly
for CAE. I do not test everyone at one time due to cost but do test everyone at
least yearly. I also do every thing in my power to be sure I buy or breed goats from herds that don't have CL. This to me is another cull factor! I give my dairy girls 2 years to prove themselves, mammary wise. If they aren't good enough to send to the Boer bucks they go, plain and simple. They must pull their weight one way or another! My goats are my hobby, my business and besides my family ... my life!!!
And not forgetting my horse "TROUBLES"
who we have named the farm after!!
- Levi Woodson Begley-November
6, 2007
- Owen Michael Begley-July 12, 2010
- Elise Noel Begley
Cunningham - Nov 11, 2012
- Christmas 2013

- Aren't they just the most
beautiful children you have ever seen?
- So precious! Thank
you Lord for blessing us with them.

- Here's SADDIE...
- My new farm gal!.. A blue
heeler/cattledog -
- 6 months here, she is my
shadow and goes with me everywhere!.. She really hates it when I'm in the
house and she's not!

- 2013 NAILE Premier Breeder &
Exhibitor & GCH Sr Nubian Doe GCH BTA Boobett winning the Jean Miller Award

- 2014 NAILE GCH Sr Nubian Doe
GCH BTA Boobett EEEE 90 winning the Jean Miller Award 2 yrs in a row.

- 2015 NAILE GCH Sr Nubian Doe
SGCH BTA Secrets EEVE 90
- winning the Jean Miller Award.

- 2016 NAILE Premier Breeder &
Exhibitor & GCH Sr Nubian Doe
- SGCH BTA Boobett EEEE 92
- winning the Jean Miller Award.

- Some of my Boer
- ages from 2 to 14.
- left to right - Hearts-6, Dotsalot-7,
2Cute4U-2, Dotsie-12, Sage-8, Myrtle-9.


- Thanks to Annette Osborne, Keri Bickel
and my
- daughter Fefe for helping me sale day!
For more information on our family and farm contact:
Mike and Lisa Begley
481 Oak Grove Road
Martinsville, OH 45146
or email us at
Troubled Acres Farm